EZ Liner
EZ Liner Ceiling and Wall System

EZ Liner 18 inch

EZ Liner 16 inch

EZ 2pc Crown

EZ 2pc H Trim

EZ 2pc Multi Corner

EZ 45 Trim

EZ 90 Trim

EZ Drip Trim

EZ Inside Corner Cove

EZ J Trim

EZ Multi H

EZ Sill Trim
EZ Liner® is a PVC based, polymer product that is manufactured in Canada using 100% virgin lead free material. These interlocking panels are designed to clad indoor wall and ceiling surfaces of any type of building.
All EZ Liner® panels are 3/8” (9.5mm) in overall thickness. Panels are stocked in ultra white, gray, and black. They are available in two widths: 16” (406.4mm – ultra white only) and 18” (457.2mm – all colors).
The EZ Liner® product is designed to interlock along one edge. It is mechanically fastened by screws to an existing wall, strapping or roof structure through a slotted nailing flange along the other edge.
The product complies with the National Building Code of Canada and the International Building Code, provides a Class A smoke and flame spread, is permitted in buildings that require either combustible or non-combustible construction, and meets all FDA and CFIA requirements for indoor application.

Check out this adorable Pomsky puppy’s video.
Kennel walls are covered with EZ Liner® PVC liner panels.
Stocked in white, gray, and black, EZ Liner® panels are highly recommended for demanding agricultural, industrial, commercial, and residential interior applications.
Complies With

Stock Length (not available in all colors)
8’ • 10’ • 12’ • 14’ • 16’ • 18’ • 20’ • 24'

All Weathers
All-Weather interlocking system allows panel contraction and expansion due to weather, for an always seamless, smooth appearance.

Panels are stocked in ultra white, gray, and black. Request a product sample to ensure you are getting exactly what you expect for your project.

Panel Sizes
Stocked in 18″ widths (ultra white also in 16″), EZ Liner™ panels are available in a wide variety of standard building lengths — from 8′ to 24′.

Quick and Easy Installation

Trim System
EZ Liner® comes with a full line of trims to choose from.

Easy Maintenance

The EZ Liner® Installation Guide provides details regarding the installation procedure and is available in pdf format below.

The EZ Liner® product needs minimal maintenance and cleans easily with power washing. It also provides a water resistant layer that can withstand many corrosive chemicals commonly found in vehicle wash buildings and agricultural facilities.

EZ PVC LLC (EZ PVC™) offers a 20-year limited warranty on the product. Our manufacturer employs a comprehensive quality control program and attempts to ensure that all products are free from defects. However, users are expected to inspect all components before installation.™

EZ Liner® shall not be used:
- When the temperature during installation is below 41 °F (5 °C).
- When the ambient or surface temperature of the material will be above 122 oF (50 °C).
- When heaters, including radiant heaters, will be located less than 18″ (457 mm) from the surface.
- When installed as a component of an air duct system.
The information given herein is believed to be reliable. It is offered in good faith, but no representations, guarantees, warranties of any kind are made to its accuracy, suitability for specific applications or for the results obtained from those applications. Since some conditions of use are beyond our control, all risks are assumed by the user. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation for uses, which infringe on valid patents or as extending a license under valid patents.